Teen drivers and drivers in their early twenties are regarded as high risk customers by auto insurance companies. They are known to have more accidents than all other age group and therefore attract higher premium rates but there things that could be done to bring down the normally high auto rates teen drivers attract.
Following are tips that will help a great deal in getting lower auto insurance premium rates for young shoppers.

   • Young drivers that learn to drive at a driving school and not on their own will stands a great chance at getting discount on their auto insurance rates and further upgrading their driving skills at a certified defensive center will get them lower rates on their premium.

   • Auto insurance companies asses teen grades when considering them for insurance coverage, they seem to have the belief that kids who maintain good grades are far less prone to recklessness behind wheels so good grades help to lower auto insurance premium rates for teen customers.

   • Teens who drive cars that have high safety ratings pay les on car insurance.

   • If you want to low premium rates as a young driver avoid sport cars and SUV’s, apart from the fact that those type of cars are naturally expensive to insure they also expose you to more risk. Sport cars encourage over-speeding . SUV’s on the other hand have a high center of gravity making them less safe than vehicles with low center of gravity.

   • Spending sometime online to compare quotes from as many auto insurance companies as you can would definitely save you money on your auto insurance rates as you would be able to arrive at a the cheapest rate available for your auto insurance coverage.
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